Voice recorder app is easy to use everyday companion to record important moments. You can record a business meeting, personal notes, speeches, lessons classes, songs, and much more, without time limits!
This application uses the high quality (8-41.1KHz sample rate) to give you the best recording experience. This app is simple UI, instant start and easy to use.
Features of Voice recorder app:
- Record voice, audio, music, song and all sounds.
- Friendly interface, easy to understand to use.
- Format file: mp3, ogg.
- Play, pause, stop audio file.
- Send/Share your recording.
- Delete your recording right from the app.
- Save the recording file.
- You can bookmark important points.
- Live audio spectrum analyzer.
- Mp3 encoding with adjustable sample rate (8-44 kHz)
- Recording in background (even when display is off)
- Microphone gain calibration tool.
- Save/pause/resume/cancel recording process control.
- Easy to use recordings list.
- Send/share a recording via email, sms, mms, facebook, whatsapp, dropbox, etc.
- You can change speed of playback.
- Not support call recorder.
Say Hello:
We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful for you. Please take the time to leave us a nice review; this really will helps us to give the best of what we have.
If you have some suggestions, please contact us on Contact@grafibuy.com
Aplikasi perekam suara mudah digunakan pendamping sehari-hari untuk merekam momen-momen penting. Anda dapat merekam pertemuan bisnis, catatan pribadi, pidato, kelas pelajaran, lagu, dan banyak lagi, tanpa batas waktu!
Aplikasi ini menggunakan kualitas tinggi (sample rate 8-41.1KHz) untuk memberikan Anda pengalaman merekam terbaik. Aplikasi ini adalah UI sederhana, mulai instan dan mudah digunakan.
Fitur aplikasi perekam suara:
- Rekam suara, audio, musik, lagu dan semua suara.
- Antarmuka yang ramah, mudah dimengerti untuk digunakan.
- Format file: mp3, ogg.
- Mainkan, jeda, hentikan file audio.
- Kirim / Bagikan rekaman Anda.
- Hapus rekaman Anda langsung dari aplikasi.
- Simpan file rekaman.
- Anda dapat menandai poin-poin penting.
- Penganalisis spektrum audio langsung.
- Pengkodean Mp3 dengan laju sampel yang dapat disesuaikan (8-44 kHz)
- Merekam di latar belakang (bahkan ketika layar mati)
- Alat kalibrasi penguatan mikrofon.
- Simpan / jeda / lanjutkan / batalkan kontrol proses perekaman.
- Mudah digunakan daftar rekaman.
- Kirim / bagikan rekaman melalui email, sms, mms, facebook, whatsapp, dropbox, dll.
- Anda dapat mengubah kecepatan pemutaran.
- Tidak mendukung perekam panggilan.
Katakan halo:
Kami terus bekerja keras untuk menjadikan aplikasi ini lebih baik dan lebih bermanfaat bagi Anda. Silakan luangkan waktu untuk memberikan kami ulasan yang bagus; ini benar-benar akan membantu kita memberikan yang terbaik dari apa yang kita miliki.
Jika Anda memiliki beberapa saran, silakan hubungi kami di Contact@grafibuy.com
Voice recorder app is easy to use everyday companion to record important moments. You can record a business meeting, personal notes, speeches, lessons classes, songs, and much more, without time limits!
This application uses the high quality (8-41.1KHz sample rate) to give you the best recording experience. This app is simple UI, instant start and easy to use.
Features of Voice recorder app:
- Record voice, audio, music, song and all sounds.
- Friendly interface, easy to understand to use.
- Format file: mp3, ogg.
- Play, pause, stop audio file.
- Send/Share your recording.
- Delete your recording right from the app.
- Save the recording file.
- You can bookmark important points.
- Live audio spectrum analyzer.
- Mp3 encoding with adjustable sample rate (8-44 kHz)
- Recording in background (even when display is off)
- Microphone gain calibration tool.
- Save/pause/resume/cancel recording process control.
- Easy to use recordings list.
- Send/share a recording via email, sms, mms, facebook, whatsapp, dropbox, etc.
- You can change speed of playback.
- Not support call recorder.
Say Hello:
We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful for you. Please take the time to leave us a nice review; this really will helps us to give the best of what we have.
If you have some suggestions, please contact us on Contact@grafibuy.com